Dentist Office in Rock Hill, SC

Dental Implant Dentistry in Rock Hill

Contact Piedmont Dental

Dental Implants

Piedmont Dental provides dental implants for patients who may be missing teeth or needs teeth replaced with a more permanent solution.

graphic showing a dental implantDental implants are a great way to replace a missing tooth. The implants are small titanium screws that function similarly to natural tooth roots. They fuse to the jawbone and provide support for dentures , crowns and dental bridges, allowing them to function as naturally as possible. You’ll be able to replace anything from a single tooth to a full set of teeth with ease once the implants have been placed.

Dental Implants have become the preferred method of tooth replacement today due to the numerous advantages and esthetic qualities they offer.

Dental implants have a number of advantages.

Loose dentures are commonly treated with dental implants, which are widely regarded as the best option. Dentures are much more secure with permanent dental implants, allowing you to smile, eat, and speak with confidence. If you’ve been thinking about getting implants, Dr. Areheart at Piedmont Dental can definitely help you. The implants serve as a foundation for dentures. They are made to last for many years and don’t decay or decompose. Implants can be used in conjunction with a variety of dental procedures to help us maintain better oral health. Once implants have been placed and integrated with the surrounding bone, they serve as a stabile foundation for teeth replacements.

How do I get Dental Implants?

educational dental implant illustrationIf you decide that Dental Implants are right for you and want to go ahead with the procedure, Dr. Areheart will conduct a thorough exam. This examination includes x-rays  in order to determine the best treatment for your condition. This exam takes less than an hour to complete on average. You’ll be able to schedule your surgery once we’ve finished getting the information needed to plan for placing your implant.  Dr. Areheart will discuss the option of having IV sedation so you can be prepared for the day of surgery.

On the day of surgery, you’ll arrive at our office with an escort for an IV sedation. Any teeth that need to be removed will be done so during the surgery. The dental implants are placed after the bone has healed properly . The implants are then fitted with replacement teeth.  While there is a time and financial investment, implants are the best way to replace missing teeth in most situations.

patient after receiving a dental implant at piedmont dental

  • Before Dr. Areheart can fit the permanent crowns, bridges or dentures, the implants must heal and fully integrate with your bone and tissue. The healing period is usually completed in 4-6 months.

Dental implants are most commonly used by adults of all ages.  You are never too old to get the smile you want.

People who have had problems with traditional dentures or who have lost even a single tooth are likely to benefit from Dental Implants. Implants make it easier to chew and enjoy meals for those who have been having trouble doing so, and they can also help to slow the loss of tissue and bone in the jaw. Furthermore, because of the way they help fill your face, Dental Implants can give you a more youthful appearance. They’ll also make it easier for you to communicate clearly.

Piedmont Dental in South Carolina provides dental implant services.


Get the smile you deserve. At Piedmont Dental, we serve family members of all ages, that include professional pediatric dentistry. Use the contact form to schedule your appointment and one of our staff members will be in touch ASAP!

Academy of Cosmetic Dentists
American Dental Association
Dentist Association
South Carolina Dental Associates
Tri-County Dental Associations

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