Dentist Office in Rock Hill, SC

When to See an Emergency Dentist near you

When to see an emergency dentist near you


Many people take their teeth and oral health for granted, but an unexpected dental emergency can completely disrupt any routine schedule. From injuries to the mouth or jaw to loose fillings that need immediate repair, situations require prompt care to alleviate pain while preventing infections or further issues from developing. But what constitutes an emergency dental visit near me?

Idealistically, adults would visit their dentist every six months for routine cleanings and check-ups that help detect small issues before they worsen into large ones. Unfortunately, with busy family schedules often coming first, dental visits may take second place to everything else going on in life; unfortunately, this can lead to dental emergencies when patients miss appointments, they should attend to their oral health issues worsen further. Furthermore, improper oral hygiene practices and lack of regular check-ups contribute to needing emergency dental treatment as well.

What to Expect from an Emergency Dentist Visit

As most dentists reopen their offices, it’s crucial for patients to know when a dental emergency exists so they can receive prompt care when necessary. Any issue which causes uncontrolled bleeding, severe pain that does not respond to medication, a broken or lost tooth should be considered an emergency and treated as quickly as possible.

Other than these issues, it’s usually safe to wait until normal office hours for an appointment with your dentist if the issue is less serious than thought. For example, cracked or chipped teeth without sharp edges that might cut tongue, cheek, or lips may be treated at home using an ice pack and some ibuprofen until seeing your dentist.

At any sporting or recreational activity, wearing a mouthguard can help safeguard against accidents if they arise, particularly among younger participants who are more prone to dental trauma due to rough play or being knocked unconscious during athletic competition. Children especially are at increased risk due to being susceptible to dental trauma caused by playing rough and being hit on the head during an athletic competition.

Emergency Dentist in Rock Hill

If you live in the Rock Hill, SC area or in York County, Piedmont Dental offers same-day emergency dentist appointments at other office located at 1562 Constitution Blvd #101, Rock Hill, SC 29732

Call them at (803) 328-3886 to make an appointment!

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